
What is Electrolysis?
Electrolysis is the only method approved by the FDA for permanent removal of unwanted hair.
Electrolysis is permanent hair removal. Regardless of the cause - heredity, metabolic, or hormonal conditions - electrolysis will permanently remove unwanted hair to reveal a glowing, confident you.

Does electrolysis work?

Absolutely. Electrolysis is the only method approved by the FDA for permanent removal of unwanted hair. As the hair is treated, regrowth is prevented rather than just removed temporarily. Only electrolysis provides both hair removal and hair elimination.

Will electrolysis work for me?

Almost certainly. Electrolysis is effective for all skin types, hair types, skin colors, hair colors, and areas of the body. For more information, see our Electrolysis Solutions area.

What is the science behind electrolysis?

A small electric current is transmitted by a fine, sterile probe (or needle) directly into the natural opening of the hair follicle, destroying the dermal papilla, the matrix, and an area called "the bulge", all of which cause hair to grow and regenerate. Learn more about how electrolysis works.

Why do people get electrolysis hair removal?

Maybe it's just an unwelcome maintenance routine that takes a lot of time, but often, unwanted hair creates self-consciousness serious enough to impair relationships with other people. If unwanted hair gets in the way of your confidence, social life, work, sports, schedules or even self-expression, this is your opportunity to act.

Is all electrolysis the same?

There are three types, or modalities, of electrolysis used today - galvanic (current produces a chemical reaction), thermolysis (short-wave which produces heat) and a modality that blends the two. They all result in effective permanent hair removal.

Does electrolysis have any side effects on the skin?

Immediately following treatment, there may be a temporary redness or tenderness, which varies with each individual. The latest technology has made electrolysis more comfortable and effective than ever before. Your electrologist will provide you with post treatment instructions and any personal attention you may need. You are assured of the best care from a skilled hair removal professional. Learn more about how electrolysis works.

My grandmother used to get electrolysis treatments. Has the technology changed much?

Permanent hair removal using electrolysis has come a long way since its beginnings in 1875. Today's computer technology enables the electrologist to work with more speed and comfort. Epilators are much quicker, utilizing current timings of thousandths of a second over the longer current applications of the past, plus, intensity settings can now be modulated to varying proportions. The instruments and equipment used in a contemporary electrologist's office are just part of the changes that have occurred in the electrolysis industry.

What is the youngest age for electrology treatments?

The earliest age for treatment depends upon the motivation of the young person. Most electrologists want to make sure that it's the young person, and not a parent, who is deciding that it's time for electrology treatments. Girls as young as 12 seek treatments to remove hair on their upper lip. Teens and even pre-teens of both genders receive treatments to define or separate eyebrows.

What about after treatment?

Immediately following treatment, you may experience slight redness or tenderness which usually disappears in a couple of hours. There is very little risk of complication or serious skin irritation with electrolysis performed by a skilled practitioner. For the first 24 hours following treatment, it's best to avoid activity that could irritate hair follicles such as excessive sweating, tanning and prolonged sun exposure or make-up application.

Are all hairs eliminated in one treatment or is regrowth to be expected?

Excessive hair growth, also known as hirsutism, can range from fine, vellus hair to dark, coarse hair on the face and body. Breaking down the hair growth cells on deep, coarse hairs may require more than one treatment. Based on a personal and confidential consultation, your electrologist will design a treatment plan that addresses your specific hair removal needs.